The Energy Council of Canada

The Energy Council of Canada is a non-partisan, non-lobbying, resource and technology neutral organization. We bring together diverse members from energy industries, sectoral associations and governments from across Canada. As a neutral convener, we foster dialogue, strategic thinking, collaboration and action to support an affordable, stable and environmentally sound Canadian energy sector. We advocate Canadian energy with North American and international audiences.


The Energy Council of Canada is pleased to support Equal by 30 through a range of activity and initiatives including:

  • Seeking and encouraging greater representation from women on the Energy Council of Canada's Board of Directors to better reflect the industry’s diversity
  • Aiming to have equal representation of women in the Young Energy Professionals Network which is developing Canada's next generation of energy leaders
  • Aiming to have a greater representation of women at Energy Council of Canada events as panel participants, moderators and keynote presenters
  • Promoting the greater energy industry as a sector with significant opportunities for women across different roles and levels of experience
  • Following and promoting policies and practices to ensure women are well represented in the Energy Council of Canada