Borealis GeoPower Inc.

  • Borealis GeoPower Inc. is a private Canadian corporation focused on developing high temperature geothermal projects throughout Western and Northern Canada.
  • Borealis GeoPower Inc. joined Equal by 30 on November 5, 2018
  • Borealis GeoPower Inc. is headquartered in Calgary, Alberta
  • Learn more about Borealis GeoPower Inc.


  1. Borealis intends to have 50% representation of women in the board, management, operating and interning levels of the company by 2030.
  2. Borealis will share this commitment amongst employees to ensure everyone is in line with our values towards closing the gender gap in the workplace and empower them to participate with recruitment.
  3. Borealis will train and support new hires through internal and external mentorship programs to facilitate the exchange knowledge-sharing and the growth of our employees.

These commitments will be administered by the Borealis CEO and General Counsel through revision of formal policies and active recruitment. Borealis will assess the progress by evaluating the general knowledge of employees about this commitment, as well as anonymous evaluation of the mentorship program, and incorporate the feedback.